October 17, 2015 Old Friends Art sponsored a second art auction for the Senior Dog Sanctuary in Mt Juliet. What an incredible evening of inspired and creative dog statues that brought in funds to support the Senior Dog Sanctuary in Mt. Juliet, TN. The website is www.dogartforoldfriends.org tells more about the art filled evening and The Senior Dog Sanctuary.
Sadie Bug is a little brindle Boston Terrier sitting on her yoga mat of ten affirmations with her Sadie Bug children's book. You can visit Sadie Bug on her Facebook page for her adventures and illustrations. facebook/sadiebugbook.com and purchase her book on www.elizabethbrandon.com
Sadie Bug statue on display with her ceramic yoga mat and children's book for the live auction.
Elizabeth showing the illustrated yoga poses in Sadie's book.